Privacy Statement

Rust Mental Health attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data.
In this Privacy Statement we explain how we handle your personal information.

1. Application
This Privacy Statement applies to the following categories of natural persons of whom Rust Mental Health processes personal data:
a. (potential) patients;
b. visitors to the website.

2. Processing of personal data
We only process personal data that:
a. a patient has provided in person, by telephone or digitally;
b. may be requested from other care providers, referrers or other necessary stakeholders with the patient's consent.

3. Purposes of processing
We process personal data for the following purposes:
a. performing therapeutic treatment;
b. the financial settlement of therapeutic treatment;
c. maintaining therapeutic contact with patients for the purpose of treatment.

4. Legal basis
We process personal data on the basis of one of the following legal grounds:
a. consent of the patient;
b. implementation of the treatment based on the medical treatment agreement, as laid down in the Healthcare Act;
c. softening of the lawful reimbursement of the treatment, ie declaring a treatment from the health insurance companies.

5. Processors
herapy practice Rust Mental Health can engage service providers (processors) to process your personal data, who work exclusively in accordance with the guidelines of our practice. We conclude a processing agreement with these processors that meets the requirements of the GDPR.

6. Sharing personal data with third parties
We will only share information with third parties for the purpose of treatment in consultation with you and of course only with your explicit permission.

7. Retention of data
Your data will be stored in the context of the treatment and therefore only for as long as necessary according to the Healthcare Act.

8. Security of data
Your data is stored securely with us. With various security measures, both your written and digital information are safe.

9. Questions and complaints
If you have questions or complaints about the way in which Rust Mental Health handles your personal information, you can contact Jay Krynicki by sending an e-mail to: .

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